
Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Grush turns brushing your teeth into a video game

Grush toothbrush and app
Brush some monsters off your chompers.Grush
Raise your hand if you brush your teeth for the full recommended 2 minutes every time. It's hard enough to get adults to brush enough, and kids are even trickier. The Grush gaming toothbrush tries to make the teeth-scrubbing experience a whole lot more fun by turning the chore into a work of entertainment.
The Grush brush has built-in motion sensors to keep track of its movements. It communicates with a corresponding app for iOS and Android devices. One of the games features a set of teeth and gums with little squidlike creatures popping up on the teeth. Using the brush for the correct amount of time in the right place makes the monstrous enemies disappear. Another game involves caring for a virtual pet giraffe, encouraging it to grow by brushing.
The app tracks brushing activities over time so parents can discreetly monitor how their kids are doing, which sure beats standing in the doorway of the bathroom with a stopwatch.
It comes with a universal smartphone holder so you can mount your phone at eye level on a mirror while you play.Fully functioning prototypes of the brush and app have been created; now it's up to Indiegogo funders to make the Grush happen. The project is aiming for a $50,000 fixed-funding goal. The regular pledge price for a Grush is $69, while early birds can get on board for $49.
The Grush is meant for kids, but it could hold appeal for video game-loving adults who could use a little extra encouragement to brush properly. It sure looks like more fun than the usual standing around and staring at a mirror. If the campaign is successful, Grush should be shipping in the fall and you could be conquering tooth monsters soon after.

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